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The project involves the creation of an "intelligent urban mobility management system to improve the urban environment in the Urban Area of Volos".

It is funded by the Research Committee of the University of Thessaly and aims at the improvement of urban mobility and upgrading the traffic landscape of the city of Volos with the creation of an appropriate electronic media platform promoting viable civil movement options, according to their personal needs.

Through i-mobi-VOLOS, the mover, both the resident and the visitor will have the opportunity to be informed in real time events and select the best for him (in terms of time or cost) and greening (gaseous emissions based ) route. If the movement requires to carry out the combination of several means of transport, the system will provide information on points of transfer, the times, the available means of combination options and features.

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Selected departure
Selected arrival
Sports facilities
Local services
Primary education
Secondary education
Higher education
Other schools
Religious sites
Cultural venues
Taxi stations
Car rentals
Health - Welfare
Bus stops